Dr. Jean-philippe Rocher

Head of Pharmaceutical Development at Neurosterix

Dr. Rocher is head of Pharmaceutical Development at Neurosterix . He has extensive experience in drug discovery prior rejoining Addex Therapeutics in 2014. At Pierre Fabre he was Director of CNS Programs from March 2014 to May 2018. Joining Addex at its inception in 2002, Dr. Rocher established the Company is chemistry capabilities and built its small molecule allosteric modulator chemistry platform. He played a pivotal role in the success of both internal and partnered programs, including the discovery of dipraglurant and ADX71149, both of which progressed into Phase 2 clinical development. Prior to joining Addex, Dr. Rocher was Director of Chemistry at Devgen NV (Gent, Belgium), Senior Research Scientist for GlaxoSmithKline KK (Tsukuba, Japan), Scientific Project Leader in CNS at Mitsubishi Tanabe (Yokohama, Japan) and Head of Drug Discovery Unit for Battelle (Geneva, Switzerland). He started his career as a Research Scientist in the Dermatology Research Center of Galderma (Sophia Antipolis, France).