Sergey V. Suchkov

Astrakhan State Medical University

Sergey Suchkov was born in the City of Astrakhan, Russia, in a family of dynasty medical doctors. In 1980, graduated from Astrakhan State Medical University with MD. From 1980 through 1983 has been working as Res Associate, and from 1983 through 1985 as Senior Res Associate at the Inst of Medicical Enzymology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1985, maintained his PhD at the Sechenov University. From 1986 through 1989, has been working as Senior Res Associ- ate at the Koltzov Institute of Dev Biology, USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1989 through 1994, was a Director of the Division of Clinical Immunology &Immunobiotechnology, Helmholtz Eye Res Institute in Moscow. In 1989-1993, was trained at the NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, and Wills Eye Hos- pital, Philadelphia, PA, USA, as well as at some of the British universities on the invi- tation of the Royal Society for Immunology. In 1993-1996, was an Executice Secretary-in-Chief of the Editorial Board, Biomedi- cal Science, an int journal published jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. From 1994 through 2006, was a Director (full-time job) of the Division for Clinical Immunology & Immunobiotechnology, Vladimiskii Moscow Clinical Research Insti- tute (MONIKI), and The Clinical Immunology Physician-in-Chief (quater-time job) of the Moscow region. In 2002, maintained his Doctor’s Degree at the National Institute of Immunology, Russia. In 1999, was working as a Clinical Immunology Physician (quater-time job) at the “Ehinacea” Clinical Center in Moscow, Russia. From 2006 through 2014, was The First Vice-President (full-time job) responsible for Personalized and Precision Immunology of The University of World Politics and Law, Moscow, Russia. From 2000 through 2007, was collaborating with some US and European Healthcare and Pharma companies (half-time job) staying in Moscow, Russia. From 2003 through 2021, was a Professor (quator-time job) of the Dept for Clinical Human Pathology of Sechenov University,Moscow, Russia. From 2007 through 2021, is a Professor (quator-time job) of the Dept for Clinical Al- lergology & Immunology of A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry, Moscow, Russia. From 2014 through 2021, was a Professor and Director (full-time job) of the Dept (since 2016 The Center) for Personalized & Precision Medicine of Sechenov Univer- sity,Moscow, Russia. From 2021 through 2021, is a Professor and Chair (full-time job) of the Dept for Per- sonalized Medicine, Precision Nutriology & Biodesign of the Institute for Biotecholo- gy & Global Health of the RosBioTech National University, Russia. From 2004 through the present, utilizing an experience gained whilst staying in USA, Europe and Japan, was doing a lot to implement technologies and philosophy of Per- sonalized and Precision Healthcare services into the daily clinical practice of Russia. Have prepared and finalized a Business Plan for getting it done in a stepwise manner! At present, Dr Sergey Suchkov is: 2 Professor and Chair (full-time job) of the Dept for Personalized Medicine, Preci- sion Nutriology & Biodesign of the Institute for Biotechology & Global Health of the Russian Biotechnology University (RosBioTech), Russia. Professor, Department for Clinical Allergology & Immunology, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry (MGMSU), Russia Member, EPMA (European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personal- ized Medicine), Brussels, EU Member, PMC (Personalized Medicine Coalition), Washington, DC, USA Member, ISPM (International Society for Personalized Medicine), Tokyo, Japan Member, American Chemical Society (ACS), Washington, DC, USA Member, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA Member, ARVO Foundation of Eye Research, USA Member, ISER (International Society for Eye Research), USA Member, American Heart Association (AHA), Houston, Texas, USA Member, International Association for Medical Education (AMEE), Dundee, UK Secretary General, United Cultural Convention (UCC), Cambridge, UK