Dr. Ana Lucia Ferreira de Barros
Full Professor of CEFET/RJ
RJ- Brazil
I am currently Full Professor the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca CEFET-RJ (2006-). I have experience in the following areas in Physics: (I) Phenomenology in High Particle Energy Physics, (ii) Non-linear Optics and (iii) Atomic Physics collision and fragmentation of molecules, mass spectrometry and physics of surfaces at PUC-Rio, heavy ion collisions at GANIL (Grand Accelerator National d'Ions Lourds), Caen, France and photons at NASA AMES Research Center. At CEFET/RJ. I was the Coordinator of the Graduate Stricto Sensu Program in Electrical Engineering - PPEEL - master's degree (2013 - 2014). I´m a coordinator of the PhD in Optics and Applied Instrumentation (PPGIO) - in association CEFET/RJ and UFF. Researcher, founder, and coordinator of the Laboratory of Experimental and Applied Physics (LaFEA) at CEFET since 2006.Currently Research Scientist -CNPq (301868/2017-4) and Scientist of Rio de Janeiro State - FAPERJ