Qing Li
Anhui Agricultural University
Dr. Qing Li received the Ph.D.degree from the College of Mechanical Engineering,Donghua University, Shanghai, China, in 2019.He was a Visiting Researcher with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA,from December 2016 to July 2018. He was aPost-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Departmentof Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta,Edmonton, AB, Canada, from June 2019 to June2020. He is currently an Associate Professor withthe Department of Mechanical Engineering, AnhuiAgricultural University, Hefei, China. His technical research interests includediagnosis, prognostics, and signal processing. He has authored 51 research articles and 24 patents in these areas.He is editorial board memberof measurement science review (SCI) and lead guest editor for 3 SCI journals.